
When introducing a new software application into a working environment it is best practice for employers to provide adequate training for their employees before (or soon after) deploying a new software application to ensure a smooth transition from legacy and pre-existing programs and maximize the benefits of the software.

There is a perceived ‘pain’ for everyone involved to have to learn a new software program while simultaneously addressing a busy daily schedule for the end user. This is natural. Many are resistant to change even if the change is for the better because business role efficiency and productivity is the concern for all those involved.

“Deploying a new software application without training employees is not a recommended approach as it can lead to various issues such as decreased productivity, errors, frustration, and resistance from employees.”

The importance of training documentation for employees when deploying a customized software program cannot be understated. Training documentation provides a clear understanding of how the software works and helps employees to effectively use the software to perform their tasks. Without adequate training documentation, employees may struggle to understand how to use the software, which can result in errors, decreased productivity, and resistance to change.

The Inexxa Training Solution

Workflow documentation defines how the new software will be used to complete specific tasks, while scenario documentation provides detailed examples of how the software will be used for different roles. The training documentation should be tailored to the specific needs of the employees and should provide clear and concise instructions on how to use the software. It should also include screenshots, diagrams, and examples to make it easier for employees to understand the software.

“Business executives often skip user training when implementing new software systems, thinking that their tech-savvy employees can figure it out on their own. However, this approach can lead to inefficiencies and problems.”

Training documentation is a crucial component of a successful software deployment project. It helps employees to understand and effectively use the new software, which ultimately leads to increased productivity and a successful implementation. By working with a well-planned SOW, gap analysis, workflow, and scenario documentation, we can ensure that the training documentation is developed in a way that meets the needs of our employees and helps us to achieve our project objectives.

Training Types

Workflow Training – We provide this sort of training to demonstrate the path, purpose and how the software solution assist in reaching to the business objectives. This helps the employee to clearly see the overall scope of the business process and the relevant roles involved in that process and how the software connects to two.

Role Training – This gives direction and instruction on how to interact with the software and other related technologies as it pertains to a specific employee role. We provide step-by-step scenarios of how the employee would carry out their daily duties and how they would interact with the software application to accomplish their goals.

Hands-on training – Nothing is like ‘getting behind the wheel’ of the software program to settle an end user’s reluctance and uncertainty. This boosts a business’s productivity by empowering employees with practical experience using the software. This approach accelerates learning, reduces errors, and minimizes reluctance to adopt the software.